Presto's Presentation Timer
Presto's Presentation Timer is a simple, completely free countdown timer that sits in the corner of the screen and lets both the presenter and audience know how much time is left for the presentation.
FeedbackBy Preston Hunt, 10 September 2006

Presto's Presentation Timer is a simple, completely free countdown timer that sits in the corner of the screen and lets both the presenter and audience know how much time is left for the presentation.

Download now

Download PPTimer 1.1 (released Sep 10 2006) (note: requires Microsoft.NET framework!)

(Older versions also available: 1.0)

Have you ever been in this situation?

If you've ever been in this situation, then Presto's Presentation Timer is for you!


Comments and Future Development

Please send comments, feedback, or feature suggetions to [email protected].

If you are interested in the development of Presto's Presentation Timer, you can join our Google Groups site (new release announcements will be made here).


Presto's Presentation Timer was originally conceived by Preston Hunt. All of the coding and development was done by Jim Rogers.

To Do List

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From Cosmos on 2019-02-24T08:25:31Z:

Can't auto-start with full screen/presentation mode. how to use it?

From Nicole on 2014-01-25T01:25:32Z:

Super nice timer. I use it frequently.

From mm on 2013-11-18T05:32:02Z:

super, I only need Global hotkey :(

From Mm Booth on 2012-07-08T12:06:39Z:

When are you going to update this for MAC. I'll be first in line. 
[email protected]