My head

Note! This is a very old version of my home page. The current version may be found here. Of course, feel free to keep reading for historical purposes :-)

So you've finally clicked your way over to my home page and taken a gander at my head (I also have a daft version for your viewing pleasure). If Diotima sent you (and I haven't yet decided if that's for better or for worse), chances are you'll stop right here. But, if you are interested, here's what the picture doesn't tell you:

My name is Preston Hunt and I graduated from Georgia Tech in 1995 with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. (Remember: EEs do it with less resistance. Of course, you can't spell geek without EE, so you can be the judge of where that leaves us.) Before graduating, I also managed to scrape together enough hours for certificates in Spanish (read my favorite Spanish poem, Instantes) and bio/rehab engineering (which I got at Worcester College, Oxford University). If you're a potential employer, I already have a job, but you're welcome to take a look at my resume if you wish; it's available in Microsoft Word (resume4.doc) format.

Wile E. Coyote, Q (Star Trek), Richard Feynman and I are all ENTPs. See what that means, or try the Keirsey Temperament Sorter on yourself.

Interested in classic (or just plain old) cars? Does the thought of catalytic converters and emissions control make you shudder? Read about my 1973 Karmann Ghia.

If you're into Ayn Rand or Objectivism, check out my essay entitled "Who is John Galt?"

For a good laugh, check out the 10 reasons my friends at Motorola think I'm a Borg.

Haven't heard enough about the college years? Here's more. If you feel the need to go back further in time, the early years are here, too. Like a bad rash, they just won't go away. Still itching for more? Go on the Preston Hunt world tour. (Note: Each of these items is pretty sparse right now. The stuff below is much more interesting for the time being.)

Still bored? Try my previous home page, or my original home page. (Warning: stale links abound therein!)

What's that you say? You're a land lubber and you don't understand semaphore? Try reading top to bottom. Or maybe Chris's Signal Flags 101 can help. As a last resort, you can always cheat by viewing the source!

My birthday ("020273") occurs in Pi for the first time at digit 4,024,166. (The wimpier "2273" occurs at 14,906.) How transcendental are you? (I know you're thinking that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But, Pi doesn't even contain my first name ("80826983847978") in its first 10,000,000 digits, so I won't be having it with my JIF any time soon.)

No home page is ever complete without the Geek Code (v3.1): GE d- s+:- a-- C++++ U+++ P+++ L+++ E+++ W++ N+++ o-- K+ w--- O M- V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5++ X+ R- tv b++ DI++++ D G e++/* h- y

If you're going to send me e-mail, by all means use PGP... I've been dying to test out my pgp key ever since I got it! Be sure to learn about getting a PGP key if you don't already have one.

Preston Hunt <[email protected]>
1560 NW 207th Ave., Beaverton, Oregon 97006
Home +1 503 690-2812
Work +1 503 264-8263

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